海报设计创意,第五届Segunda Llamada国际海报设计大赛获奖作品欣赏
2019-01-04  13098 分类:平面UI资讯

海报设计创意,第五届Segunda Llamada国际海报设计大赛获奖作品欣赏

海报设计创意,第五届Segunda Llamada国际海报设计大赛获奖作品欣赏。本届国际海报设计大赛我们联合了各年龄层的设计师、艺术家、科学家、教育家和环境保护活动家一起为保护我们的地球而挺身而出。借此机会我们希望可以传播气候变暖的信息,提高大家对此话题的认识,并引发辩论和对话,从而激励人们关注气候变化这一迫在眉睫的社会问题。

Gus October 15, 2018  5th poster competition    

Winning posters 2018

第五届Segunda Llamada国际海报设计大赛——获奖作品

为了唤起人们对于目前气候问题的关注,Segunda llamada海报设计大赛开启了第五届国际海报赛事。主题为气候变化, 关注 · 行动。

第五届Segunda Llamada国际海报设计大赛.webp.jpg

Congratulations to all the winning posters of Segunda llamada 5th international poster competition 2018:  Climate Change. Care → Act

Supported by the Environmental department of the Autonomous Metropolitan University, Azcapotzalco. UAM-AZC Mexico

Big thank you  to all our jury teams for their time and dedication.

Art and Design jury team – Andrea Martínez, Mexico / Agnieszka Ziemiszewska – Poland / Cláudio Gil – Brasil / Coco Cerella – Argentina / Eli Román – México / Gabriela Irigoyen – Brasil / Ginette Caron – Canada / José Luis Coyotl Mixcoatl – México /  Mehdi Saeedi – Iran / Michel Olivier – France / Miguel Arzate – Mexico / Minal Nairi – India / Natalia Delgado – México / Olivia León – México / Shangning Wang – China


Kids for the Environment  jury team – Ana Cristina Retamoza – México / Lilly Platt – England / Daniel Chávez – México / Ollie Bouler – United States / Ryan Hickman – United States / Winter Vincent – Australia

Science and Education jury team – Hector Barrón – México / Jim Rountree – Australia / Mauricio Guerrero – México / Mónica Lozano – México / Pablo Rosado – Spain / Renata Lippi – Brasil / Willem Huiskamp – Australia

Special thanks to:  Jim Rountree, Tadek Chávez, Claudia Villacorta, Olivia León / Environmental department UAM-Azc, Edgardo Ruíz and Frank Arbelo.

If you are interested in hosting an exhibition please contact Gus Morainslie info@segundallamada.com or trough Segunda llamada Facebook page.

Top 10 Posters 十佳海报

Naufan Noordyanto – Indonesia.webp.jpg

Naufan Noordyanto – Indonesia, “Trees VS industrial carbon emissions”

Yuan Liu – China.webp.jpg

Yuan Liu – China, “Hot Pot”

Naufan Noordyanto.webp.jpg

Naufan Noordyanto – Indonesia “Bike is better for daily commuting”

Hugo García.webp.jpg

Hugo García – Mexico, ¨Sleeping in the face of tragedy”

Julia Hartnett.webp.jpg

Julia Hartnett, Abby Guido – USA, “Bee aware”

Yongkang Fu.webp.jpg

Yongkang Fu – China, “Biomethane”

Ray Zhu.webp.jpg

Ray Zhu – China, “Stop fooling”

Shuting Jin.webp.jpg

Shuting Jin – China, The explosion of CO2

Chen Zhen.webp.jpg

Chen Zhen – China, “Global Warming”

Selected posters 精选海报

Sid Moro, Kelly Holohan.webp.jpg

Sid Moro, Kelly Holohan – USA, “Who´s next?”

Yongkang Fu.webp (1).jpg

Yongkang Fu – China, “Pinocchio lies”

Naufan Noordyanto.webp (1).jpg

Naufan Noordyanto – Indonesia, “More trees, more protection”

Tomaso Marcolla.webp.jpg

Tomaso Marcolla – Italy, “Help”

Lenka Bollová.webp.jpg

Lenka Bollová – Slovakia, “Bees extinction”

Li Gang.webp.jpg

Li Gang – China, “Living in the haze”

Ran Tao.webp.jpg

Ran Tao – China, “Black Pain 1 (Series)”

Ran Tao.webp (1).jpg

Ran Tao – China, “Black Pain 2 (Series)”


QianyuZen, Kelly Holohan – USA, “The Scale of Carbon Emissions”

Evan Iuzzolino.webp.jpg

Evan Iuzzolino, Kelly Holohan – USA, “Save the Animals, Save the Planet”

Chenling Guo.webp.jpg

Chenling Guo – China, “Thermometer”

Mario Fuentes.webp.jpg

Mario Fuentes – Ecuador, “Thaw”

Chao Zhao.webp.jpg

Chao Zhao – China, “Threats”

Josephine Kostusiak, Abby Guido.webp.jpg

Josephine Kostusiak, Abby Guido – USA, “Reuse & Regrow”

Emily Funck, Abby Guido.webp.jpg

Emily Funck, Abby Guido – USA, “Undeniable”

Xin Wu – China,.webp.jpg

Xin Wu – China, ” The growth of all things”

Seda Nur Özkan.webp.jpg

Seda Nur Özkan – Turkey, “Step back!”

Ariel Marco.webp.jpg

Ariel Marco – Argentina, “Tiempo de actuar”

Ariel Marco – Argentina.webp.jpg

Ariel Marco – Argentina, “El último iceberg”

Larissa Solaiman.webp.jpg

Larissa Solaiman – Australia, “It´s time to clear the air”

Emily Dulabic.webp.jpg

Emily Dulabic – Australia, “We need human change”

Adam Taylor.webp.jpg

Adam Taylor – USA, “Repercussions of denial”

Renee Cook.webp.jpg

Renee Cook – Australia, “Conveyor belt of rolling cows”

Sonia Hekmati.webp.jpg

Sonia Hekmati – USA, “Polar Bear”

Hande Ozgeldi.webp.jpg

Hande Ozgeldi – Turkey, “More space”

Dana Tileva.webp.jpg

Dana Tileva – Bulgaria, “Self harm”

Kiran Gangaiah Padala.webp.jpg

Kiran Gangaiah Padala, Pramod B Manjarekar – India, “Burger”

Reza Shokri – USA.webp.jpg

Reza Shokri – USA, “A dirty world for future generations”

uwonSeo, Paul Sheriff.webp.jpg

uwonSeo, Paul Sheriff – USA, “Stop air pollution”

Carlos Santiago Rivas.webp.jpg

Carlos Santiago Rivas – Mexico, “Extinction”

Kaled Avila.webp.jpg

Kaled Avila – Mexico, “Affects us all”

Patrycja Longawa.webp.jpg

Patrycja Longawa – Poland, “Stop acid rain”

注明:图文来自Segunda Llamada 国际海报设计大赛

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